Ok, to catch you up on the latest Swiss happenings...since I last posted, I went on Camping trip #2 to Neuchatel. Like every place in
Upon returning from said camping trip, I successfully completed my great escape from rue Gautier and am now happily settled on the other side of the lake in a fabulous big studio, all to myself (and some goldfish). The girl renting to me is really laid-back, a nice change. She even told me not to worry if any of the goldfish die, which is comforting since I forget to feed them fairly often. So far so good though.
The escape from the apartment was relatively uneventful. As anticipated Mme VF followed me through the apartment as I dragged my bags to the elevator, telling me that moving my belongings was against the law, even if I continued paying rent. I disagreed. She then tried to appeal to my inner Swiss by declaring that I had a legal and moral obligation to stay. Although I had planned to come back the following day and confirm that the girl who said she would take the apartment had done so, I was getting fed up with the craziness and the threats of legal action, so I told her I was not coming back and left my keys. This turned out to be a small problem when I left half of my belongings in the lobby on the other side of a locked door, as well as my bike in the locked courtyard, but I was able to get a tenant walking in to unlock both for me, after I verified that no, I was not a thief. Then my friend Greg, who drives around
In work-related news (that’s right, although the blog rarely reflects it, I am still working over here), I was very excited to learn that the Director General (who I saw in person the other day—very exciting! if you’re a trade nerd…) had called for a ministerial meeting (well, a mini-ministerial, but still important) while I'm here. I'm told that ''non-essential'' people are often kept out of the building during such meetings, but I think my lobbying effort to convince the higher-ups that I am indeed quite essential is going ok. Of course a week of ''working'' (sleeping) from ''home'' (the beach) wouldn't be so bad either. But I want to be where the action is! Unfortunately
Last week, my friend Marianne came to visit and we touristed around
This past weekend was where the laziness really set in and I slept a good 14 hours a night. Mmmm....boy. Saturday I did manage to do a couple loads of laundry in my building with more success than usual. I even managed to use a dryer on one load! This is a major improvement over laundry attempt #1 a couple weeks ago wherein my (wet) clothes were held hostage all night in the washing machine which, unbeknownst to me, shuts off around
Saturday was also the lake parade, which, from what I gather is a big gay parade, but not knowing what time it was at, I missed it. I did however see the aftermath, which was a lot of really drunk people in costumes staggering around the street. Most impressive, though, was the amount of trash on the streets which had been closed for the parade. How can
For the past few weeks I have also been preparing for my big swim across the Bosphorus next week (http://www.turkishnoc.org/eng/Bici08.htm). And by preparing, I mean sitting on the couch worrying about the fact that I haven't really been training. But for the past few days I have buckled down and tried to cram months of training into one week. I think I'm doing ok, considering. Except when I try to run...that never seems to work very well.
Finally, a bit of sad news: my bike is no longer with me. We’d been through a lot together, me and old blue. She got me all the way to Now I’m going through the period of bike mourning where everywhere you go, you look around expecting to find your bike just sitting there, waiting to be reclaimed. Alas, it is not to be. But, I guess you can’t really feel like you’ve lived in a city until your bike gets stolen there. Plus, this gives me the opportunity to consider buying the bike I should have started with: the stylish M-budget bike. Sadly, I think even it may be a bit too expensive to justify buying for less than a month…but we’ll see. Higher on my M-budget wish list is a pair of M-budget underwear. I have only heard rumours that it exists, but I know that I must have it.
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