Thursday, May 29, 2008

On a besoin de Jerry Orbach!

This evening I got to meet the Swiss police, who are not nearly as entertaining as the Swiss firefighters (see video). My landlady called me at work to tell me that the police were there and needed to interview me. I'm pretty sure she thought I was to blame for whatever had happened. I am a pretty suspicious character after all..
As it turns out, it was pretty serious. Apparently a 28 year old woman in the apartment above us was murdered on Tuesday night, or at least thats what Mme Von F says. She seems to know lots of details (now thats suspicious) but she told me and Damien we would have to read about it in the paper tomorrow, presumably so she can enjoy another 12 hours of feeling special for being in the know.
So, for any doubts I am having about giving up the awesome location I have here, I think this is a pretty good sign that I should get out. Assuming all goes according to plan, I'm leaving Saturday, despite Mme's attempts to make it as difficult as possible for me to find a replacement (i.e. requiring some 10 different forms, letters and certifications from the next potential resident, and who knows, perhaps staging a violent crime to scare people, I'm pretty sure if she were to kill a 28 year old female in this building we can all be pretty sure who that would be.) I'm moving into a nice apartment across town (in Plainpalais, for any of you who know Geneva) with the guy who organizes the Sunday bike trips. The apartment is pretty great, although considerably farther from work and the lake. Also, in June the European soccer championships are taking place at the stadium in Plainpalais, so that should be pretty cool.
In other news, I got to go to my first ag negotiation meeting today. It wasn't like a ministerial or anything (hopefully one of those will happen while I'm here....but, you know), but officials from about 30 or 40 countries negotiating the text of the ag modalities. It was pretty exciting for about 15 minutes, and then I really had to try hard to stay awake for the next 3 hours. I'm not sure I was entirely successful. Still cool though.

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